Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reflection on Sign Two from John's Gospel

There are two things in this section (4:43-54) that really shine out to me as I read it again. The first is Jesus' initial response. "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe." Out of context we might take that as a truth statement ... maybe that is what some charasmatics believe. But it is clear in context that this is connected to a feeling of anger and frutration. Jesus even lumps! He says "you people." I imagine it as, "You people always want something from me ... You people are insatiable. Are you people listening to anything I am saying? ... Do you people care at all about who I am and what I came to do or are you just clamoring for spectacle and handouts?" Well, I say to myself, what is it? Do I care about Jesus and his purpose or am I just clamoring for my own needs and curiousity. I think sometimes, unfortunately, I approach him with unbelief, demanding a sign.

Let me give you an example. Right now I am really trying to work on developing a prayer life. I know, I am a pastor (maybe most people won't read my blog and see how much I need to grow). But when I set aside time in the morning to pray to God, am I really ready to face him and believe his presence and sit with him. Or do I just hope that he will answer a question I have, grant a prayer request or just give me a good feeling. I wonder sometimes in those early mornings if Jesus isn't heard saying, in frustration, "Unless, I do this for you Jason, you will never believe." And the thing is he won't do that for me because he knows that kind of belief (believing in Jesus so he can make my plans come to pass and give me good feelings and meet my curiousity demands) is not believing at all ... its using. Remember that Peterson quote, when we believe, we are at our most personal and intimate with God and other people. That is only true if I stop making all my demands and trying to manipulate God. I think what the crowd was ultimately saying that drove Jesus to make that statement was "I don't believe you! And if you want me to, then prove it by making a second miracle happen." There will never be enough miracles for that kind of proving.

And that brings me to the next thing that is really powerful. The royal official is not approaching Jesus for spectacle because he needed Jesus to prove himself. The official already believed Jesus, that is why he persisted. He was willing to follow, he was willing to meet the real Jesus. That is why it says "the man took Jesus at his word and departed" or in the NRSV "the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and started on his way." Its not about never needing Jesus to help us in this life or when someone we love is sick or dying. Maybe some people could develop a wrong spirituality that thinks that asking for help in those areas is bad ... I think the real issue at hand is believing Jesus enough to take him at his word. Believing him enough to believe the word that he speaks and start on our way. Believing him enough to stick with him and listen closely and obediently to his words whether specatacle or good feelings come.


Kris McDaniel said...

Good post. I like your words connected to prayer. I read your blog, pastor man!! I love you, my friend.

Kris McDaniel said...
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